Английский язык.ru


Thick-and-thin friends

"Two friends met at the Nikolayevskaya railway station. One of them was thick and the other was thin. The thick man was thick-skinned, thickheaded and thick-set. His voice was thick too. He had just dined in the restaurant where he had cut the bread thick, spread the butter on thick, ate a big bowl of thick soup and stuffed himself down with lots of sweet things. His thick lips shined like ripe cherries. No wonder that he was so thick and sick.

The other man was thin as a rail: he was thin in the face, his voice and hair were thin, and he preferred thin beer. He stepped out of the carriage with lots of cardboard boxes, trunks and bundles in his hands. The thin man was strong and in good health.

In their youth they both had a thin time: they went through thick and thin together and everybody thought them to be thick-and-thin friends.

— Timothy! — exclaimed the thick man who seemed to be really pleased to see the thin man. — Is that you, my old fellow! You still look smart!

— Good gracious! — cried the thin man. — Thomas, you! What a nice surprise! How long has it been since we last met! Let me have a look at you. You still look thick. Actually you've always been thick. Remember?

The thick man didn't like it because he thought it was really a bit thick to hear it from the man he had just called smart.

— What do you mean? — he asked the thin man.— What do you mean by thick? Isn't it too thick to call me thick, my friend?

— Excuse me, — said the thin man. — I didn't mean it. I mean that you do look thick but I know that you are not thick at all.

The thick man decided it was a thin excuse.

— I am sure you did, — he said to the thin man. — It is too thin.

He was so angry that he was about to give the thin man a thick ear.

So the events developed thick and fast. In the thick of the argument..."

По-моему, начало получилось замечательным. Но, к сожалению, до конца я так и не дописал. Потому что, как-то на досуге перелистывая томик произведений Антона Павловича Чехова, вдруг обнаружил, что примерно такой же рассказ написал и он.

"На вокзале Николаевской железной дороги встретились два приятеля: один толстый, другой тонкий. Толстый только что пообедал на вокзале, и губы его, подернутые маслом, лоснились, как спелые вишни..."

И что удивительно, называлcя его рассказ точно так же, как у меня, "Тонкий и толстый"...

По материалам книги В. Шевар де Нидзе
"EngЛИШЬ для тех, кто хочет говорить по-английски без русского акцента"

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